
What is Malware

Malware, short for malicious software, is created by cyber criminals with the intent of causing harm to a website. It is used to steal sensitive customer information, hold websites for ransom, or even take control of the website itself.

Reason and Solution

Malware can happen for various reasons like:

- Poor/compromised account/FTP password, which allows hackers to guess the password [or use brute force tools] and get unauthorized access.
- Customers computer is infected by a virus, which is controlled by hackers. In this situation, customer's uploads are also infected.
- Poor scripts, plugins/themes, which allow hackers to insert various malformed queries and remotely execute the code and perform intended action.
- Outdated plugins/themes/ trying to access external links from the website can cause the website to be compromised.
You can secure your website files from malware infections by following the steps given below:
- Generate a strong password combination for account, FTP, database and email accounts.
- Keep the software up-to-date with vendors/developers, and seek their support/forums for any known vulnerabilities/fixes/workarounds available.
- If you are using third party themes/templates/plugins, be sure to use secured themes, plugins and templates.

Future avoiding the malware

I would recommend you to follow the below precautionary steps in order to prevent malware in future.

Please do the following steps periodically.
1) Protect your control panel authentication by using a difficult password, which only you or your client knows.
2) Do not make your control panel password public.
3) While uploading any data from your local pc scan it with any anti-virus.
4) Change the passwords for all the email accounts.
5) Make sure that you are always installing applications/themes/plugins etc from authorized resources.
6) It is best to scan your computer for Malware using the Malwarebytes software to remove any malicious pieces of software that may be the culprit.
7) Update any application installed to latest stable version.
8) Remove the script and unwanted scripts/plugins/addon installed.
9) Upgrade scripts/plugins/addon installed to latest stable version.
10) Please note that the mass mailing is not allowed on our shared server. Please send the mails in small batches. If you want us to send the bulk mails, then do let us know so that we can suggest you a hosting account plan accordingly.
11) Keep your anti-virus updated. If you have an email client configured on your computer, scan the computer to check whether it has been infected by some virus/Trojan.